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Chapter 3 - The Book Club (part two)

Unlike some book clubs we don't have any specific themes or rules for ours. We just decide at the end of the previous year what books we want to read in the coming year. Our biggest rules are around being respectful of whomever is facilitating and/or talking and limiting sidebars, both things which can be a challenge at times. The only other rule we have is let us know if you are coming or not. Since we go to a different restaurant each month with about 15 of us at a time, it is only courteous to let the restaurant know for the set up. While we strongly encourage everyone to read the book, all of us know that life gets in the way of even the best intentioned reader sometimes. Don't expect us to stop or edit the discussion if you haven't finished the book though.

Here are our book club's remaining selections through the end of 2024.


Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell - This novel starts in 1850 and bounces back and forth through different ages and disparate characters until finally the reader sees how they all connect, how their fates intertwine, and how their souls drift across time like clouds across the sky.


The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese - Verghese's second book after Cutting for Stone is a tale spanning 70 years and is set in South India following three generations who seem to have a peculiar malady. In each generation someone has died by drowning. It is the story of a 12 year old girl married to a 40 year old man and the evolution of her life.


Happy Go Lucky by David Sedaris - David Sedaris is probably best known for his wry, sarcastic, storytelling and views of the obsurdities of life. This collection written during the Pandemic is full of David's wit and wisdom and perfect for a summer read.


The Spectacular - Fiona Davis - Fiona Davis has made a career of using a New York City landmark to launch her storytelling. In this novel she focuses on Radio City Music Hall and The Rockettes. Pulling in history and mystery from the 1950's Davis takes us back to a often missed, but not necessarily, kinder or gentler place in time.


The Ghost Theatre by Mat Osman - It is 1601 London, a time of scientific advancement as well as superstition, political intrigue, poverty, and, of course, the plague. A troupe of players come together to perform in London's shady underground and their fame spreads to even the Virgin Queen herself.

November is Reader's Choice and December is our Annual Holiday Book Exchange

What is on your book club list this year? Let me know.


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