Chapter 30 - Awake in the Dark

When my mother told me that she was planning to write a blog about books, I thought that there might be no more perfect match imaginable. When she asked me to write a guest post because she was going to be on a cruise for Christmas (lucky) and would be without steady WiFi (luckier), I was enthusiastic and unsure. I teach English Literature and therefore I end up reading many more student essays than I do novels. But ask any member of my family and they'll tell you that if there's anything I know like my mother knows books, it's movies.

I love movies. I love the flicker of film on a big screen and I love being entirely transported for a couple of hours. I learned that from my grandfather, who loved movies like he loved books. So, in the spirit of Christmas (when my family watches a lot of movies) here are my favorite books that have graced the silver screen.

The Godfather by Mario Puz0 - "I believe in America..." featuring one of the greatest opening lines in movie history, Frances Ford Coppola's The Godfather is a classic. The novel was immensely popular in its time and deservedly so. The novel is more compelling and more complex and features elements from both the film and its sequel.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman - The movie is unforgettable, but so is the novel; funnier, scarier, and with some beautiful moments that didn't make it to the screen. If you're already a fan, you might also want to check out Cary Elwes' memoir about the making of the film, As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - Steven Spielberg's adaptation of this 80's pop culture opus is coming out next year, but in the meantime check out the novel. Wade Watts is a gunter, on a quest to find a hidden prize in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. If he wins, he gets to control the OASIS an expansive, immersive internet where most of humanity exists. If he loses, it's game over.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle - I am stupidly excited about the upcoming adaptation of this classic young adult novel, but that is because the last film adaptation of it was awful. If you've never read this, you should check out this beautiful story and its sequels where you learn that witches and beasts are not what they seem and that the love of a family can save the universe.

And for something a little different...

Eat What You Watch: A Cookbook for Movie Lovers by Andrew Rae - Doesn't the prison tomato sauce from Goodfellas look absolutely amazing? Don't you wish you could try the pastel glory that is the Courtesan Au Chocolat from The Grand Budapest Hotel? Do you watch When Harry Met Sally and think "I'll have what she's having"? I've been a fan of Andrew Rae's vlog Binging With Babish, where Andrew breaks down his favorite recipes from movies and TV shows and teaches you how to make them. His cookbook, where he expands on this concept, has just been published and it's on my Christmas list.

Which of your favorite novels have great film adaptations? Tell us in the comments below and merry reading!